Using small bets to become a better investor — with Peter Sims (podcast)

Part of learning to be a successful investor comes from learning to fail.

Sometimes we’re afraid to fail so we don’t bother trying.  Other times we bet too much only to prematurely end the learning process.

Successful investing comes from making small mistakes, learning from them, to get to a successful outcome.  It’s as much about the process than it is the outcome.

Peter Sims, author of Little Bets: How Breakthrough Ideas Emerge from Small Discoveries, joins us on Tradestreaming Radio to discuss his findings after interviewing hundreds of successful businessmen, entrepreneurs, and social scientists. Continue reading “Using small bets to become a better investor — with Peter Sims (podcast)”

Best investors of all time

If you could pick a team of investors — the best investors of all time — who would you pick first?

I’ve assembled the beginning of a list (it’s just the beginning).  Are the best investors old-school value gurus like Ben Graham or more like the research and technology machines like Stevie Cohen’s SAC Capital?

You make the call. Vote below. Continue reading “Best investors of all time”

Best books on behavioral finance

Finding the right books on behavioral investing, behavioral finance, behavioral economics (whatever you want to call it) is tough.

I’ve compiled a list of some of the best selling behavioral finance books on Amazon.  While we can argue which are better (please rank/add your favorites!), it’s important to be able to start the discussion.

From Thaler to Mauboussin to Montier to Shiller, there are a lot of books being written now on the behavioral aspects of investing. Some are good — some are better.

What do you recommend? Continue reading “Best books on behavioral finance”

Become a better investor by boosting your confidence – with Tim Sanders (podcast)

finding a job in finance

Sometimes the simplest things in life can make the biggest differences in our investing.

Tim Sanders is a student of human nature, a best selling author of four books (including the new, Today We Are Rich: Harnessing the Power of Total Confidence, and a consultant to Fortune 1000 businesses.

He knows a lot of top investors and understands the investing process well.  He’ll tell us about a mastermind group he participates in that has increased one participant’s net worth by 400%. Continue reading “Become a better investor by boosting your confidence – with Tim Sanders (podcast)”

MarketPsych: Profiting from investor pychology — with Dr. Richard Peterson (transcript)

This is a transcript of our interview with Dr. Richard Peterson, author of MarketPsych: How to Manage Fear and Build Your Investor Identity, which came out this year. Check out the archives of our show. Subscribe on iTunes.

Peterson:   There’s a lot of literature in behavioral economies and behavioral finance about the mistakes that people make, like holding their losers too long, or impulsively chasing after stocks. But there isn’t much work about how do you help people to not make those mistakes. So, we’ve really got interested in how do we change people’s decision-making for the better. Continue reading “MarketPsych: Profiting from investor pychology — with Dr. Richard Peterson (transcript)”

How to use economic indicators to become a better investor (transcript)

This is a transcript from an interview with Robert Wright, co-author of a new book, The WSJ Guide to the 50 Economic Indicators That Really Matter: From Big Macs to “Zombie Banks,” the Indicators Smart Investors Watch to Beat the Market. You can listen to the program below or go here.  Check out our interview archives. Subscribe to receive new interviews on iTunes.

The following transcript was paid for at Speechpad.

Announcer: Live from the Internet, it’s Tradestreaming Radio with your host,’s own, Zack Miller.

Zack: Hey, this is Zack Miller. Welcome to Tradestreaming Radio where we help investors make better decisions with tools, tips, and technology. We speak to some of the smartest and most creative people out there working in this space and hope to illuminate some of these ideas to you.

Today’s guest is a co-author of the new book, The WSJ Guide to the 50 Economic Indicators That Really Matter: From Big Macs to “Zombie Banks,” the Indicators Smart Investors Watch to Beat the Market It was co-written by Simon Constable, a journalist at the Wall Street Journal, and Robert Wright.

Robert Wright will be our guest on today’s show. He is the Nef Family Chair of Political Economy at the Augustana College in South Dakota. Wright is an accomplished author. He has two pages worth of books that he’s published on Amazon. He teaches monetary history. He teaches business. He teaches about price discrimination. What I think makes Wright and this book so valuable for people is that it combines detailed scholarship, really sort of drilling down into numbers, fact-based investing. I’m seeing how some of the leading indicators, some economic data and business data that we read about every day in the paper, how those really impact investing, testing them, going as far as seeing whether these data actually help investors and how profitable they may be as investing strategies. But he’s also a good writer. He’s a self-described cynic, along with Simon Constable, and the book has a very good readability.

Some of the things you might learn about in this podcast, so successful investing means making and keeping above market returns at each stage of the business cycle, and this book very much focuses on trying to determine where we are on the map of the business cycle by looking at certain criteria and then figuring out how to invest based upon that location. Investors must correctly forecast the business cycle before they can know which types of specific investments are likely to generate superior returns.

Wright recommends that looking at investing not as a one-off event. It’s a learning process. This is something I talk about in Tradestream all the time. It’s a lifetime commitment to understanding the economy. Forecasting is more art than science. We know this as investors, and it’s good to have rules-based investing, but we know that no rule is going to be right 100%, and our capacity to accurately predict stems from a combination of historical data and a model that correctly identifies causal agents rather than mere statistical correlations.

There are 50 indicators in this book. Some are well known, some are less well known. It’s a good book. It doesn’t cost a whole lot. It’s like $9.99, whether you buy it in mass market paperback or you buy it for the Kindle, which is where I read. It’s useful. It’s definitely important for business cycle investing. It should deserve an important place on your shelf. Continue reading “How to use economic indicators to become a better investor (transcript)”

[Free Webinar]: From the ground up: Building a better money management business

This event was already held. Check out this event’s presentation, Building an investment advisory business from the ground up.

From the ground up: How to build a successful money management firm

Join us for a Webinar on May 16
Space is limited.
Reserve your Webinar seat now at:
Is your investment practice what you want it to be? 

Many professional investors have changed their business models over the past few years.  Wirehouse brokers are breaking out and going independent. Many are choosing to start or join existing RIAs.  Many others are creating their own hedge funds.

Everyone is looking for the right business model, the right structure for their investment business.

Cale Smith, founder of Islamorada Investment Management, believes he’s built a better investment business mousetrap.

Called Spoke Funds®, these structures solve some of the problems associated with mutual funds (underperformance, tax inefficiency) and hedge funds (compensation schemes masquerading as an asset class).

The Spoke Fund® structure aligns incentives by ensuring the investment manager invests most of his liquid net worth in the same portfolio he’s selling to investors.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • why the existing vehicles for your business (mutual/hedge funds) are broken
  • How Spoke Funds solve these problems
  • Why Spoke Funds are perfect for managers who are value investors
  • How they lower start-up costs and get into business faster
  • How their transparency is attracting a new class of investor

Please join Zack Miller of and Cale Smith of Islamorada Investment Management for a frank and open chat about the future of the investment management business.

Title: From the ground up: How to build a successful money management firm
Date: Monday, May 16, 2011
Time: 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM EDT
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.
System Requirements
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server
Macintosh®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.4.11 (Tiger®) or newer


How to piggyback top hedge funds more effectively (presentation)

In a recent webinar, I sat with Maz Jadallah, founder/CEO of AlphaClone, a software provider and investment manager enabling what I call “piggybacking strategies” of top hedge funds.

We discussed some of the objections investors have to creating strategies involving replicating hedge funds.  We also provided 5 tips to perform better using cloning strategies.  It was a intriguing session with some great questions from the audience — make sure you sign up to this blog to be notified of our next event.

Zack on Abnormal Returns TV

Tadas at Abnormal Returns had me on last week for a conversation about all the crazy things I do. From my book, Tradestreaming, to the ebook I published to help financial people get books published, to my free download on how to grow a financial services business like Ken Fisher did. We talked a lot about the state of the art in investing and industry trends.

He’s really got game.  You can watch the interview below. Of if you don’t see it, click here.