
Tradestreaming in the European Financial Review


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As Tradestreaming — and our methodology of learning from investing experts — is gaining momentum, other periodicals are taking notice.

I appeared in this quarter’s print edition of the European Financial Review. I essentially wrote about Tradestreaming — how investors are taking advantage of the new media and research tools that social media is enabling.

As regular readers would recognize, I wrote about 3 strategies that investors can employ today to begin making better investment decisions (Ride the Long Tail, Piggyback the Pros, Commune with Experts)

I also included a paragraph about what I think the future has in store for investors:

The most exciting thing for investors about the increasing use of social media is actually all the non-financial information it’s spitting out.  Numerous firms like StockTwits, MarketPsych, and Ravenpack are trying to use sentiment analysis to augur stock price movements.  The idea — described in a recent research piece — is that changes in investor sentiment can presage a price move in the underlying asset8.  As machines get better in understanding unstructured text online, investors will be able to use automated tools to implement investment strategies that utilize social media sentiment.

“As machines get better in understanding unstructured text online, investors will be able to use automated tools to implement investment strategies that utilize social media sentiment.”

Additionally, the online brokerages, once considered impenetrable walled gardens, are opening up their platforms to 3rd party software development.  Like Apple’s App Store, the E*TRADEs and TradeKings are creating application interfaces to allow outside developers to create useful investing applications to reach account holders inside their account logins.  And that really is the point.  Everyone wins with increased transparency, technology, and tools to capture new ideas generated by social media.

Read the whole article

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