A new addition to Tradestreaming, the Tradestreaming Cascade is a highlight reel of some of the past week’s most interesting information. Much of this comes from my Twitter feed, @newrulesinvest
[Free Webinar] From the Ground Up: How to Build a Successful Money Management Firm (Tradestreaming): Join us Monday afternoon for a discussion on how to build a better advisory practice, align incentives, and service the crap out of clients.
Some firms still gender biased towards female advisors (kasina): From the wholesaler’s point of view, they like working with women better than men. Here’s why.
What the wealthy really want from advisers (InvestmentNews): Well, they don’t want to lock themselves into one firm, but say they require someone to play quarterback. That said, preferences seem to be tipping back towards large firms.
Investors in lower cost mutual funds get more bling than other share classes (Morningstar): Different share classes of the same funds should perform relatively the same, net of their different fees. Turns out they don’t.
Net Worth, Self-Worth and How We Look at Money (NYT): how we feel about money can have a significant impact on how we save, spend and plan for our financial futures. Duh, but good study.
The Barron’s 500 Ranked as Magic Formula Stocks (MagicDiligence.com): Joel Greenblatt’s Magic Formula applied to Barron’s own ranking of the top 500 stocks. Interesting.
Stock recommendation changes matter most (Financial Post): While analyst recommendations aren’t particularly good signals for investors, it turns out that recommendation changes matter more.
The Suze Orman retirement hedge fund (Covestor): Surprising move as Orman partners with an investment newsletter/mutual fund company, Money Navigator. Is there 1 solution for retirement?