We’re doing something a little different with this interview.In the wake of the announcement that Google ($GOOG) was buying Motorola Mobility ($MMI), I wanted to understand the deal dynamics better.
I spoke with Dan Hoffman, CEO and President of M5, a managed VOIP solutions provider.Dan’s an Internet pioneer, founding an early ISP. M5 services enterprise clients with cloud telephony, on the forefront of telecommunications service.
In this interview, we address
- trends in software, hardware, and cloud
- value of the Motorola patent portfolio
- how Dan’s firm is leveraging technology advances, regardless of who ultimately wins
- how this acquisition would impact Apple ($AAPL) and Microsoft ($MSFT)
Listen to the FULL Program
About Dan Hoffman
Dan Hoffman is an Internet pioneer, founding an ISP and heading M5, a managed VOIP service provider as CEO and President.
More Information
- M5’s website
- Dan’s blog
- Google’s announcement of the Motorola acquisition