A new addition to Tradestreaming, the Tradestreaming Cascade is a highlight reel of some of the past week’s most interesting information. Much of this comes from my Twitter feed, @newrulesinvest.
Little books, big money: How Joel Greenblatt turned a hedge fund into a serious retail business (New Rules of Investing): My post on how the Little Book that Beats the Market and its author Joel Greenblatt are growing a sweet asset management business.
Short strategy: target firms with largest goodwill vs. total assets and lowest ROA (Empricial Finance): Strategy is pretty robust (from -23% to -15%) when you target firms with low profitability and high goodwill. Combo spells crappy returns.
Go-Anywhere funds are gaining appeal among investors (Business Insider): These macro, global funds have seen almost $33B in inflows since 2008.
Investors slobber over hedge fund that predicts stock market based on Twitter (NY Mag): Hedge fund using sentiment analysis over social media is very oversubscribed.
Portfolios-to-go may become Wall Street’s next thundering herd (Bloomberg): Good article on trends toward Internet-delivered managed portfolios and marketplaces a la Covestor.
The case for having more kids (Economix/NYT): Parents are essentially overcharging themselves for their kids. Relax.
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