Every week at Tradestreaming, we’re tracking and analyzing the top trends impacting the finance industry. The following is a list of important things going on we think are worth paying attention to. For more in depth trendfollowing, subscribe to Tradestreaming’s weekly newsletter (published every Sunday).
1. Banks increasingly moving in on the pureplay marketplace lenders (Tradestreaming)
While the marketplace lenders like Lending Club and Prosper are putting competitive pressure on traditional banks, the incumbents are responding in time, with the help of firms like LendKey, which provide the electronic platforms to banks to conduct online lending.
2. Stock markets increasingly interested in blockchain technology (CoinDesk)
A group of banks, exchanges and clearing houses has formed a working body to discuss how blockchain tech might be used in settlement.
3. Fidelity not renewing its partnership with roboadvisor, Betterment (RIABiz)
While both parties touted this relationship between old and new, it appears Fidelity is close to launching its own version of an automated advisory platform that it’s built in house.
4. MIT launches its first graduate fintech course (paymentweek)
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, one of the most prestigious universities in the world, is launching the first graduate level financial technology course in the United States. “Throughout the course’s seven weeks, students will explore different sub-industries within the FinTech space, including consumer finance, payments, etc.” Where do we register?
5. How Riskalyze’s Aaron Klein is giving investors permission to ignore short-term risk (Tradestreaming)
“People got a real thrill out of investing in 2013 and didn’t get quite as big of a thrill in 2008. That’s not risk tolerance — it’s market outlook.” Riskalyze helps advisors manage portfolio risk for $121 billion in assets.