Adobe Sign

Quickly sign any document with electronic signatures for government. Adobe Sign makes it legal, secure, and all digital.


Get the security, mobility, reliability, and ease of use you need to digitally transform your business, with DocuSign eSignature solutions.


Jumio’s end-to-end ID and verification and authentication solutions fight fraud, maintain compliance and onboard good customers faster.


lightico esignatures

Lightico is a customer experience platform. Enabling your customers eSignatures, eForms, workflows, ID & Verification from mobile phones


OneSpan provides security, authentication, fraud prevention, and e-signature to deliver a frictionless customer experience across channels


The world leading document ID verification & facial biometrics technology. Our Software-as-a-Service lets your users verify themselves anywhere


Payfone’s award-winning Trust Platform prevents fraud and protects privacy while driving better customer experiences.


Professional solutions that ensure the highest standard in user friendliness in digital signing. Save resources by signing faster and more secure


Refinitiv provides financial software and risk solutions – delivering news, information and analytics, and enabling transactions.


Trulioo, the leading global identity verification service, provides instant electronic ID & address verification for 5 billion people in 195 countries