Winning investment strategies from the frontlines of the blogosphere – with Tadas Viskanta

Tadas Viskanta has been at the forefront of the next generation of financial content for years.

His Abnormal Returns blog is the place investors —  ravenous for the day’s most impactful news and analysis — start every trading day.

Tadas is out with a new book that really is a culmination of 9 years of work, scouring the Internet for the best and most interesting trading strategies and technologies.

Tadas joins us for to talk about his work on this week’s episode of Tradestreaming Radio.

Listen to the FULL Episode

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Zack on Abnormal Returns TV

Tadas at Abnormal Returns had me on last week for a conversation about all the crazy things I do. From my book, Tradestreaming, to the ebook I published to help financial people get books published, to my free download on how to grow a financial services business like Ken Fisher did. We talked a lot about the state of the art in investing and industry trends.

He’s really got game.  You can watch the interview below. Of if you don’t see it, click here.