Tradestreaming is all about the value of social media to the investing process.
We’ve spoken a lot about sentiment analysis and there are so many interesting approaches to solving how to make sense of the reams and reams of unstructured investment data online.
One solution has emanated from the Israeli Defense Forces and found a home in Sentigo, the parent company of popular app, Wall St. Scanner. Wall Street Scanner looks at tens of thousands of sources of information and over 7M webpages every 24 hours scouring for important chatter about stocks.
Soft launching just a month or two ago, Sentigo already has 70,000 downloads of its WSS app and with this momentum continues to build out functionality for its users.
Eran Barak, Sentigo’s VP of Strategy, shares his vision for his firm with us, bringing insights he gained as marketing head of Thomson Reuters’ messaging product.
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About Eran Barak
Eran Barak is the VP of Strategy for Sentigo, a firm blending financial and sentiment analysis for individual investors. He spent 7 years with Thomson Reuters running marketing and business development of the firm’s institutional messaging system as the firm’s global head of community strategy.
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