Investment fees can literally suck hundreds of thousands of dollars out of your retirement accounts over your lifetime.
What makes this even more aggravating is that as investors, we aren’t even aware of some of the fees we pay because fund managers have gone through such lengths to obfuscate them.
FeeX bills itself as the “Robin Hood of Fees” and Erik Laurence, the company’s VP of Marketing and Business Development, joins us to talk about why minimizing fees is so important for investors and what we can do about it long term to improve our investing returns. Thanks to Molly O’Brien, FeeX USA’s Marketing and Community Manager who joined us as well for this interview.
About Erik
Erik Laurence is the Vice President of Marketing and Business Development for FeeX.
Listen to the FULL episode
Resources mentioned in the podcast
- FeeX
- The Hidden Dangers of 401(k) fees (The Center of American Progress)
- Hidden, excessive 401(k) fees costs Americans $155,000 (DEMOS)
Even more resources
Photo credit: Kurayba / VisualHunt.com / CC BY-SA