Realtime platform for stock traders to share info, StockTwits has just hired David Putnam, previously head of 800lb gorilla that is Yahoo Finance. Howard Lindzon’s firm continues to just chug along, growing traffic, rolling out products and now, recruiting seriously for growth.
According to TechCrunch:
According to Quantcast, 465,000 people are now visiting the site per month, which means the company has more than doubled its visitors since early December, when less than 200,000 were checking in to share and trade. This seems largely due to the service’s continuing evolution beyond its TweetDeck roots and creation of its own true investor ecosystem chalk full of video, news and charts — all enabled by an AIR app.
StockTwits has been pushing on a couple of fronts which should interest investors:
- investor relations: The firm is serious about attracting IR business, announcing the hiring of Chris Bullock as VP of Corporate Services.
- monetization engine: Watching the evolution of Seeking Alpha’s App Store closely, ST has rolled out its own marketplace for data products.
- portalize: This is something Putnam knows well from Yahoo but Yahoo made a massive site on curating essential information investors need. ST is growing traffic by syndicating its own content. Look for ST to become more of a destination site investor head to for more of the investment/research process.
StockTwits continues to expand, steals VP David Putnam from Yahoo Finance (TechCrunch)