9 ways to improve your investing performance in P2P loans

Source: Federal Reserve, Prosper.com

Yesterday, I discussed why I’m now a believer in peer-to-peer loans as a new asset class for investors.

Now, I’d like to look at how investors can lower their risks of defaults on these types of loans and boost their overall returns.

The problem with P2P loans

Like in most areas where information is asymmetrical between two parties entering a transaction, p2p loans present an informational problem.

Borrowers know a lot more about their potential to repay a loan than those making the loan.

In a traditional banking relationship, banks have resources to attach a number (a credit score) to a loan. Given experience and data, banks can estimate the probability that a borrower with that number will default. It’s an imperfect solution but works (at least, most of the time).

Borrowers on p2p marketplaces like Prosper.com aren’t given an actual credit score. Instead, they’re grouped into categories of credit worthiness which further complicates our ability as investors to assess their ability to pay us back.

Also, because multiple investors invest in the same loan, each individual investor may lack the incentive to do proper research (free rider problem).  That’s according to Do Social Networks Solve Information Problems for Peer-to-Peer Lending? Evidence from Prosper.com

How social networks help investors better their returns

To mitigate this problem, p2p loan marketplaces have created their own versions of social networks where borrowers can friend people and organizations.

And you guessed it — these groups are key to helping us investors determine the chance that our investments pay off (or don’t).

Why? Because research has shown that borrowers with friends on these investment platforms are:

  1. more likely to get their loans funded (not necessarily a good thing — we want borrowers to get funded and be more likely to pay).
  2. less likely to default on their loans (bingo!)
Why? It’s all about signaling.

The results suggest that verifiable friendships help consummate loans because they are credible signals of credit quality

Source: Judging Borrowers by the Company They Keep: Friendship Networks and Information Asymmetry in Online Peer-to-Peer Lending

We want to invest in loans that provide us with a good return but are also the “right” type of borrower. Using friends and endorsements are key to solving this issue.

We show that borrowers with online friends on the Prosper.com platform have better ex-ante outcomes. This effect is more pronounced when friendships are verifiable and friends are of the types that are more likely to signal better credit quality. The results are consistent with the joint hypothesis that friendship ties act as a signal of credit quality, and that individual investors understand this relationship and incorporate it into their lending decisions. To further pin down why friendships matter, we examine whether friendships are related to ex-post loan outcomes. We find that borrowers with friends, especially of the sort that are more likely to be credible signals of credit quality, are less likely to default.

9 ways to improve our chances investing in P2P loans

Continue reading “9 ways to improve your investing performance in P2P loans”

Why I’m a converted believer in investing in P2P loans

If you’re like millions of people, you’re probably worried about your net worth.

Pretty worried.

The market’s up and then, it’s down. Jobs are being created and lost. Banks are stable and then they lose $3B seemingly overnight. And politicians? Nobody seems to have a strong plan to get us through and certainly not the political will to see it through.

It’s not entirely clear if the economy is recovering or not.

Investments: riskier, less diverse, zero confidence

If you have investments, you’re probably experiencing the following:

Volatility spikes: The market has the great ability to lull people into a false sense of security and then, wham! You get periods like the beginning of May where it feels like the world is ending. Nothing looks good right now. Nothing feels right, either.

Diversification doesn’t seem to be working: It may be exchange traded funds doing it or just a general move towards passive investing, but all types of investments are moving more in tandem. When stocks go down, they bring down other “safer” assets. The theory of diversification isn’t providing the benefits it promised. That’s where we are — when things are bad, it seems that there is nowhere to hide.

Lack of confidence in reaching financial goals: Many investors are just throwing up their hands. No más. They feel the stock market is rigged (it is, somewhat) and don’t want a part of it. But in an environment where bonds and CDs pay so little, underfunded-for-retirement investors need to reach for more risky assets and are forced to play a game that they don’t want to play.

What if I could tell you that you can triple the returns on the fixed income (bonds) part of your portfolio without taking on more risk?
Continue reading “Why I’m a converted believer in investing in P2P loans”