Tradestreaming’s Best Investment Book for 2011: Laughing at Wall Street

I hate to say this but most investment books suck (minus Tradestreaming, of course :-))

But seriously, books that try to teach something valuable about investing frequently miss their

best investing book of 2011

marks not because they’re poorly written (some are) or lack good research (some do).  There’s a problem in trying to distill the process down to a how-to approach, to a magic formula.

Investing is a unfurling learning process and one that can be personalized to the investor. It’s hard to create a one-size-fits-all, get-rich-trying investment strategy that distills down so easily to a 250-page book.

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How to beat Wall Street by using Facebook, reading tabloids and shopping – with Chris Camillo

Chris Camillo isn’t a professional investor but he know how to invest.

book by Chris CamilloHe turned $20,000 into over $2,000,000 by shopping at the mall, connecting on Facebook, and reading tabloids. Without even looking at a balance sheet or income statement, Chris takes big bets on trends he believes others aren’t aware of.

Then he heads to Facebook to validate his ideas with his social network.

He tells all in a new book, Laughing at Wall Street:  How I Beat the Pros at Investing (by Reading Tabloids, Shopping at the Mall, and Connecting on Facebook) and How You Can, Too

Join Chris and me as we discuss his investment philosophy, how it works, and why he believes it’s a better way to invest.

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