Awards FAQs

Why should I apply for Tearsheet Awards?

Tearsheet Awards Programs are considered among the most prestigious in the financial services and fintech industries.

Award benefits:

The prominent announcement of the Awards winners

Announcement of awardees on Tearsheet’s social media streams

The right to use the awards in all marketing materials and efforts

Prominent placement in the subsequent guide, which is downloaded hundreds of times by Tearsheet’s influential readership

Announcement article on Tearsheet, on social media and in our newsletters

What are the award categories?

You can find a brief explanation of the categories by mousing over the “?” next to each award application category.

What information will be asked/required during the submission process?

Company type (traditional bank/stand-alone digital bank/non-FI with banking product)

Entry title

Short description describing your entry

The detailed description of why you should win that category award

Supporting documentation

Other supporting information and images such as content links, logos

Do you offer any discounts?

Special discounts for outlier members: Become an Outlier member to submit a discounted award application

30% discount: For early submissions (compared to last chance submissions)

25% discount when you pay for two or more award submissions

Example: become an Outlier member ($49/month, cancel any time), get discounted submission(s). If you choose to submit 2 or more applications, an additional discount of 25% on top of the outlier discount will apply.

How do I lock in discount pricing?

By paying before the discounted deadlines. We strongly recommend paying when you first apply to lock in the most favorable pricing.

Can I still work on my application after paying?

Yes. You can continue working on your application up until the final submission deadline. 

Can my company apply for more than one award category?

Absolutely. Each award recognizes a distinct area of excellence. We recommend applying for awards in all areas you believe your company excels in. While there is no guarantee of winning, multiple award applications do give you more opportunities to win. 

What happens if I don’t win? Can my submission get into the follow-on guide?

High-quality submissions will be included in the subsequent guide. Previous guides include: Data Guide, Bank/Fintech Partnership Guide, Acquire guide, Embedded guide, Challengers guide and Resilience Guide

Whose contact information should we include on the entry form?

The person submitting the award application.

What are the judging criteria?

Judges will be looking for submissions that can clearly demonstrate success over the past 12 months. We suggest providing evidence to substantiate your entries including, but not limited to, metrics around KPIs, creative assets, links to your work or other items you feel speak to the quality of your submission. Judges will also consider the structure, presentation, and clarity of each entry.

Each section of the entry will be scored based on the following criteria:


Innovative thinking

Consumer value

Results related to KPIs

What is the judging process?

Judges score each question within the entry form based on the outlined criteria

These are then combined to create an overall score for each entry.

All judges’ scores are totaled and the highest scoring entries will determine the shortlist.

Judges meet to discuss the highest scoring entries and then agree on the category winner.

Is my application submission information confidential?

Yes. We will only publish details of your submission with your consent.


In case you fail to complete your application and it is paid for, then the payment cannot be refunded; however, you can redeem it at any other awards program hosted by Teaarsheet or opt for our Outlier subscription plan(s). 

I still have more questions. Where can I get answers?

Feel free to reach out to [email protected]